A Shy man can barely say his name onstage, when he opens his mouth? He shocks everyone!


You’re absolutely right. Feeling nervous, stressed, or anxious is a natural human response to various situations. It’s something that almost everyone experiences at some point in their lives. Whether it’s before a public speaking engagement, an important exam, a job interview, or any other situation that pushes us out of our comfort zone, these feelings can arise.

It’s important to remember that some level of stress or anxiety can be helpful, as it can motivate us to prepare and perform better. However, when these feelings become overwhelming and interfere with our ability to function effectively, it may be necessary to develop strategies to manage and cope with them. This can include techniques like deep breathing,

mindfulness, or seeking support from friends, family, or professionals. It’s also important to remember that you’re not alone in experiencing these emotions, and many people can relate to the feelings of nervousness and anxiety in certain situations.

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